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Wellness Support Sessions & Plans

Wellness Support Sessions and Plans are dedicated time and customized protocols that address your wellness goals.  Adrienne works with both adults and children currently via a telehealth platform to discuss your needs and guide you through practicing skills and exercises she has suggested to you in your plan.

a light sangria-colored circle with 8 white circles inside the circle that create a circle themselves. Inside each white circle are different word: "stress management", "emotional regulation", "self-supporting habits", decision-making skill", "communication skills", "mind-body movement", "nutrition and supplements", "navigating health info". Inside this inner circle are the words " your wellness" with a black graphic of mature sunset moth
Wellness Support Plans help you work toward:
photo of the founder, Adrienne, a caucasian woman with black hair pulled back and wearing a long sleeved black shirt. She is sitting at white table smiling at an open laptop on the table. There is a coffee mug next to the laptop.

​Emotional Wellness

  • Have stress management abilities that support burnout recovery

  • Harnessing emotional regulation skills that build resiliency

Thought Process Wellness

  • Establishing and maintaining self-supporting habits

  • Making confident decisions based on your core values

  • Using integrity-based communication skills to set boundaries with conviction and sustain trustworthy relationships


Physical Wellness

  • Applying a mind/body approach to all of your physical movements to maximize your personal capabilities 

  • Knowing how to intuitively and safely manage your nutrition, diet, and supplement needs


Health Education Wellness

  • Understanding how to navigate healthcare systems and evaluate health information to adeptly advocate for your health needs and choices​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


a rectangle screenshot of a virtual telehealth session. On the right the founder, Adrienne, a caucasian woman with black hair pulled back wearing a long sleeved purple shirt with her right hand on her upper chest and on the left is a black woman with black hair past her shoulders wearing a white t-shirt with her eyes closed and her hands on her upper chest.

During sessions you may practice assigned skills or exercises. You can always request part or all of your session be recorded and sent to you so you can review what you have learned.

​As a Wellness Support Client, you will receive a HIPAA compliant virtual portal through Practice Better where you can:

  • Access your portal through either a web browser or the Practice Better app

  • View your Wellness Support Plan


  • Store your own notes, logs, and documents


  • Send Adrienne messages and book services

  • Attend Wellness Support Sessions using a secure telehealth platform


  • View a list of your past and future appointments, and all your payment transactions with Sunset Moth Wellness

Photo of the dashboard of a Practice Better Client Portal.


Initial Session-60 min 
+ Plan Creation


Return Session-90 min
+ Plan Update



Return Session-60 min
+ Plan Update

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